
Is the Swing High or Low?: Living with Someone with Bipolar Disorder - eBook

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Product Overview

Is the Swing High or Low?: Living with Someone with Bipolar Disorder

By: Wilma Cotten


About the Book

In Is the Swing High or Low? author Wilma Cotten reveals the struggles she had with her bipolar daughter Andrea, who succumbed to the evils of drugs as a method of self-care.

While trying to be a supportive and loving mother, Wilma struggled for years to find some solution to her daughter’s problems. Counseling, medication, rehab—nothing seemed to help. So she did what any mother would do—she loved her unconditionally anyway.

It is important to remember that mental health issues should be taken seriously and treated as illnesses, much like diabetes or heart disease. Is the Swing High or Low? will help us open our eyes to symptoms early on so we can be proactive in obtaining the best possible treatment plan for our loved ones.

About the Author

Wilma Cotten lives a simple life now in Upstate NY. She resides in an old farmhouse that she shares with her 2 German Shephard rescues. Over the years she has taken classes on parenting and brain disorders. Her interests include sewing, quilting, reading and being outdoors. She has a precious daughter who is the mother of her only grandchild.


(2023, eBook)


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