The Warm Heart Of Africa: A Volunteer's Journal

By Gloria Caldwell
Regular price $46.00

Two years—two exhilarating, eye-opening, life-changing years spent by Gloria Caldwell in Africa volunteering in the Peace Corps. From living in a hut with no electricity, to walking or biking three miles to the tarmac road and catching a mini-bus to travel 70 miles to purchase food. Gloria truly experienced a lifestyle very different from the one to which she and most Americans have become accustomed.

About the Author

Gloria Caldwell spent thirty-five years in the Northwest working as a nurse. She has always wanted to help others; so she took a break from work and joined the Peace Corps.

After leaving the Peace Corps, Gloria went back for another year and volunteered at a little hospital. She returned to the U.S. and worked for a few more years, but would go back to Malawi nearly every summer and volunteer. Gloria has not been back since 2015, but she hopes to return in a few years. Helping people is something she loves to do.

Gloria has two daughters and two granddaughters. She is now retired, but enjoys working in her vegetable and flower gardens. Gloria is also an avid reader and enjoys spending time with her friends.

Published: 2019
Page Count: 214