Featured Authors

God, Country and Family explores Stephen C. Foster Sr.'s experiences through poetry. He believes that his faith and religion are not the same. His Roman Catholicism is a tool to focus his faith, which is strictly about his relationship with Jesus Christ. He is also deeply influenced by his four and a half years of active service in the U.S. Navy. His family includes 29 children and grandchildren and his wife of 55 years, Della. It is his deepest hope that, in reading his poems, others may be encouraged to gather and share their own thoughts and experiences with their own families.
Joseph Militano, author of "The Sons of Bitche: Inspired by the WWII Heroics of the U.S. 100th Infantry Division in France"
They were called a bunch of rag-tag soldiers, a “show division” not really meant for battle, knitted together among others with actors from the Army’s discontinued War Show Task Force and a defunct Army college program for soldiers not destined for any combat. But then they attacked the vaunted Maginot Line of underground fortresses occupied by the Nazis, arguably the stiffest spot along the Franco-German Rhine River border of Alsace, France. By the time the dust settled, the 100th had advanced further east than any division of the U.S. Seventh Army in the overlooked, yet supremely critical, third and southern front against Adolph Hitler.

Barbara B. King author of "Memoirs of Ambrose Ave"
This is a true story about a young lady who was raised in the Los Feliz/Hollywood area in the sixties and seventies. Her parents came out to Hollywood from the Midwest. They had dreams of their own. They were a normal family who did everything right, but life happens.
How would being raised in this community, during these times, affect her character and personality? Would she ever find her true purpose? Would she find her destiny or would purpose and destiny find her?
…or is she still searching….
Joseph Burke, author of "Critical Writing Secondary Framework"
Every secondary education teacher could use a little guidance when it comes to teaching and assessing academic writing. Whether English, ESL, history, or even science, all teachers requiring students submitting reports of any sort can benefit from the tips and data presented in Critical Writing in the Secondary Classroom. Within these pages lies explanations of the importance of summative assessment beyond just formative assessment in the classroom, comparing benchmark data in order to measure skill growth and how to share this data with students.

George Davison, author of "The Adventures Of Chipper Cloud"
This engaging tale follows Chipper, a lively and imaginative cloud, on his journey to spread joy and creativity wherever he drifts. Whether inspiring flowers to bloom, sparking an artist's imagination, or forming rainbows after the rain, Chipper proves that even in the face of challenges—like Stormy, a dark cloud intent on destruction—positivity and ingenuity can prevail.
Donnie E. Price, author of "The Adventures Of Boogaloo The Magical Black Cat"
Boogaloo is a good cat. Her owner, Dee, is a good witch that pretends to be evil. Long ago, a spell was placed on their town to keep Santa away.
The Adventures of Boogaloo the Magical Black Cat is about Boogaloo’s sneaky plan to break the spell and bring holiday joy and Santa to her town. Will Boogaloo succeed? Can her efforts teach the evil witches it’s better to be good in the world?

Julio E. Ulloa, author of "Cuba: La Habana Y Los Cubanos"
The discovery of the Americas is considered by most reputable historians, biologists, and anthropologists as a significant event that brought profound ecological, cultural, and economic changes and transformed the modern world. During the Post Columbian period, the encounters between the Old and the New World relied on winds and sea currents that determined the best routes for the ships to sail across the oceans.
Delphine McClelland, author of "Dark Obsessions"
Skylar was a Montgomery and with that came power and prestige among the wealthy in Charlotte, North Carolina. From the outside looking in, she had it all, the perfect life. For Skylar, being a Montgomery, a socialite, was not who she wanted to be. Skylar was different, she was weird and a bit of a dreamer. For as long as she could remember, she had an obsession with the supernatural world. Vampires were her favorite of all the supernatural creatures and she could not get enough of them.

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