The Spiritual Battlefield
OCarroll was in his first year of graduate studies pursuing a Masters Degree in Divinity, at a local seminary upon discovering The Spiritual Battlefield. The discovery came about upon his taking the class Medieval and Reformation Church History January 2002. The course required thesis research on a specific topic of church history. The professor distributed a list of over fifty church history events to choose from to research. The work and research of the thesis should clearly demonstrate or prove a position. With September 11, 2001 having its place in world history just four months earlier, the professor added the church history topic of Christian views of Islam and Muhammed, i.e. Luthers view for the very first time. This thesis topic was placed at the top of the usual list. OCarroll was the only student of more than twenty in his class to choose this thought-provoking subject. He discovers and profoundly draws to the framework and context of the continuing conflict between Christianity and Islam from aspects of history, and from the works and theology of the sixteenth-century German philosopher, Dr. Martin Luther.
About the Author
OCarroll is a disabled veteran who completed a twenty year career as a Chief Warrant Officer, having served in the United States Army. His tours of duty included but were not limited to serving in the 1990 Persian Gulf War, and the War on Terror and Cold War in Europe. OCarroll is pursuing graduate studies, and has a Bachelors Degree in Information Systems Management from the University of Maryland. He enjoys reading beginning with the Word of God, listening to all types of music, traveling, and watching a good movie.
Published: 2005
Page Count: 50