Why Do Catholics Worship Mary? Book I In The One Series

By Gerard-Marie Anthony
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Catholicism holds many mysteries, both for Catholics and non-Catholics, including why Catholics seem to worship Mary. This book, the first in the ONE Series, is an attempt to answer this question in a simple, honest, yet fulfilling way. The author examines both Christian and Catholic Christian viewpoints in order to be fair and promote understanding. By analyzing perceptions about Catholic devotion to Mary using Scripture, history, and reason to explore possible interpretations of the same, Anthony explains devotion to Mary in clear, simple terms.

About the Author

Gerard-Marie Anthony, a lifelong resident of Virginia, is getting a Masters of Theology from the Catholic Distance University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Christendom College. He has been a member of the Legion of Mary, an apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, since 1998 and is President and founder of The ONE Society, an ecumenical movement that promotes Christian unity and understanding.

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Published: 2009
Page Count: 68