Who Will Rule The New Earth?
Who Will Rule the New Earth? offers readers a comprehensive examination of the scriptural teachings and prophecies that relate to the end times and Gods plan for the new heavens and new earth. In an accessible format designed to encourage study and review, Harry L. Jackson considers the implications of Old Testament events, traces the foretelling of Christ's birth, and highlights the prophetic teachings that emphasize the role of the Hebrew nation as God's holy family in His provision for our salvation. This detailed text is rooted in scriptural evidence and consistently returns to biblical sources for support. This reliance on scriptural authority and a strong emphasis on the current implications of these teachings make Who Will Rule the New Earth? an excellent guide for both individual and family Christian study.
About the Author
Harry L. Jackson Sr. is a native of Virginia and now lives in Delaware with his wife, Laura. Together they have raised five children. Now retired, the author studies classical guitar, is pursuing an associate degree in office administration technology at Delaware Technical and Community College, continues to preach and teach door to door as he has for more than thirty years.
Published: 2004
Page Count: 62