Where Have All The Flowers Gone: Gone To Graveyards Everyone

By John Guinane
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Where Have All the Flowers Gone: gone to graveyards everyone

Where Have All the Flowers Gone tells the tale of war soldiering and coming homethe story of the Vietnam War as seen by one soldier. Being a soldier in Vietnam left an indelible impression on John Guinane.

A Vietnam Vet, John visited a hospital on June 4, 2012, for a checkup. A male nurse was taking his blood. He was about forty years old, a college graduate who had majored in Journalism. He asked John what he was doing with his life. John told him he was writing a book about Vietnam and had just finished a chapter on the My Lai Massacre. The young man had never heard of the My Lai massacre. This was the only incentive John needed to finish the tale about his life.

Where Have All the Flowers Gone is an unbiased and concise summary of the Vietnam conflict, written in the hopes that a young reader would gain some knowledge and a better understanding of this tragic period in American history.

Why would anybody wish to write about Vietnam? Because as Santayana has warned: Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. And this nationgreat as it iscannot afford another Vietnam.

About the Author

John J. Guinane was born on March 18, 1943. He is a graduate of Northeastern University, 1965, majoring in Political Science. He is a graduate of Boston University School of Law, 1971. He served in the United States Army from October 15, 1965, through August 16, 1968. He served one tour of duty in Vietnam and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal. He served for thirty years in the Army and the Massachusetts Army National Guard. He retired with the rank of Major.

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Published: 2015
Page Count: 290