When One Talks...Another Must Listen...But One Must Open Their Heart To Hear
Hey are you listening? Sure you are. The words have filtered through your ears and into your brain, which is processing them. But can you hear? Are the words making it through to your heart and having an impact on your soul? It is your soul E.J. Maddox is trying to reach in his first collection of poetry, When One TalksAnother Must Listen: But One Must Open Their Heart to Hear, a compilation of his most sacred thoughts and feelings toward life, faith, and loved ones past and present. Although poetry is an intensely personal glimpse into a persons soul, laying bare the hidden and unexpected sensitivities masked from the world, it is also an evocative commentary on the world around us as seen through anothers eyes. In revealing how he truly feels with his transcendental words, he hopes to inspire others to do the same and share their hearts with those close to them.
About the Author
A games dealer at Harveys Resort Casino Hotel in South Lake Tahoe, California, in his spare time Mr. Maddox enjoys spending time with his daughter, Jodi Marie, as well as writing, reading, and historical documentaries.
Published: 2003
Page Count: 48