Universe's Intelligent Design Via Evolution (UIDE): The Wit Particle

By Thomas Edward Fairbairn
Regular price $28.00

Universes Intelligent Design via Evolution (UIDE): The WIT Particle is a roadmap to Newtons Universes Ether Sea construction and operation. Scientific uncertainties ask: Does the Universe have a dark energy particle ether atmosphere? Was the Universe created out of nothing in a big bang? Did a God create the Universe? The origin of life is a puzzle.

UIDE teaches about Earthmen connected through super Internet-like networks, to better understand the Universe and its eternal existence. The discovery of the WIT particle as the smallest mass particle imaginable consequently composes Newtons Universes Ether atmosphere. UIDE, together with the WIT particle mass, places electromagnetic waves, mass, and gravity, together in one universal theorem.

About the Author

Thomas Edward Fairbairn has worked extensively in the fields of aviation and technology research and continues to explore investigative and experimental science. His previous writing includes Lords of the Crescent, a scientific historical novel, and various nonfiction reference works.

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Published: 2008
Page Count: 188