Understanding The Universe

By Robert Smolinski
Regular price $18.00

In this guide to our cosmos, Smolinski presents a candid challenge to people from all walks of lifeconsider our place in the universe. With all of its broad implications, this illuminating book helps readers do just that by picking apart the Solar System that we know and expanding upon that to touch on other galaxies and dimensions that most people only dream about.

By presenting formulas, data and theories in ways that can be understood by even the most mathematically challenged, Smolinskis guide is a testament that the many worlds out there in space are more tangible than we can imagine. All it takes is an open mind and a willingness to grasp the mysteries that lie beyond what we can see from earth.

About the Author

Robert Smolinski was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. He lived his entire life there, attended Wright College and the University of Illinois Chicago Circle Campus, and graduated from Capital Radio Institute with a degree in computer design. He worked at G.T.E. Laboratory in Northlake, Illinois, as a research engineer, designing and developing all the electronic telephone office switching systems. After the sale of G.T.E. to Siemens A.G., he spent two years designing high-speed digital transmission systems, along with unique multilayer backplans. In 1986 the Laboratory at Northlake was closed, and he found a position at Litho-tronics as manager of electronic techniques, then after twelve years, Litho-tronics was sold to Tech Services International, where he continued as manager of electronic techniques until retirement in 2000.

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Published: 2010
Page Count: 138