Trail Ride
Trail Ride is a continuation of the Westover Series written by Mary T. Leonard. This installation follows Samantha Henry and her best friend Imperial Bueno. The twelve-year-old spends most of her time with Imperial, otherwise known as Impy, competing in horse shows. When David Henry, Samantha's father, suggests a trail ride on the Henry property with a group of friends and family, Sam can barely contain her excitement at the thought of spending a summer Sunday afternoon with her prized companion. Suddenly, a playful race between Samantha and her neighbor leads to an accident, and Impy is hurt. Samantha, at the young age of twelve, must learn the valuable lesson of love and loss.
About the Author:
Mary T. Leonard has lived in Virginia most of her life. She received an Associate in Arts degree from Virginia Intermont College; a Bachelor of Science and Master's of Education degree from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville; and received advanced studies in Speech and Language Pathology from Radford University. She holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology from the American SpeechLanguageHearing Association. Leonard has been a licensed practicing speech pathologist in schools and clinics. Leonard is married to David and they have two children, David and Sarah. She and her husband live on a cattle and horse farm in Lebanon, Virginia.
Published: 2016
Page Count: 76