Three Governing Laws In Genesis And Romans

By Dr. Solomon Chijindu Okpali
Regular price $13.00

At creation, the man was free from the burden of sin and knew no shame. But he became carnally minded because of the demise of this innocence, following his disobedience of God's instruction. Therefore, man fell, and would henceforth struggle in strife for a decent livelihood. Laws came to the rescue as enabling hands for guidance and restoration.

Thus, in various dimensions, we find the operation of the Law of Sin and Death and the Mosaic laws. But these, as tall as they stood, proved inadequate to relieve humanity of the burden of sin and restore him to the heavenly realm. Then came the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus with attendance of the Cross and Grace. Man thus was delivered with Liberty and free will, subsequent to the Cross experience.

Although man receives freedom and free will, he is not complacent in the equation of salvation. He has a part to play even with the new law of Love. Regardless, man is made perfect only by the blood unto righteousness. Sin is cleansed only in Christ Jesus. Humanity cannot override sin nature by the power of self.

Therefore, in today's world of strife and restlessness, it is expedient for us believers to refocus our energies on the One who is able to separate us from the inherent strikes and troubles in this earth realm. We must realize, at least as believers, that alone, man is unable to sustain himself. While at this, two other laws must not be forgotten. These are the laws of Faith and Love. In our divine quests, we cannot conceive and harvest our desires from God in isolation of faith. Love is the cord that ties it all.

About the Author

Solomon Okpali, P.hD, (Theology), is a minister of the word and a copywriter.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 86