The Used Car Money Machine
Do you want to start your own business but dont have the liquid assets required by many franchise opportunities? Or the initial capital investment is just too high to manage? Robert Cohill has a low-cost alternative buy and sell used cars for profit! His step-by-step guide outlines the most common pitfalls and the many opportunities available in this industry. So, even if you don't know the difference between a carburetor and a transmission, you can succeed and make a profit by buying and selling used cars.
About the Author
Robert Cohill has twenty years in the auto industry and, for the last five years, has appraised, bought, and sold more than 15,000 cars. A manager for an import franchise car dealership, Mr. Cohill shares his experience and knowledge of the industry and how to succeed in it. Mr. Cohill lives in Wilmington, Delaware, with his wife, Sherri. He is an avid hunter and angles and enjoys shooting skeet.
Published: 2003
Page Count: 124