The Terror Of Ol' Pete
The Terror of Ol' Pete is a chilling horror story that explores the consequences of a mans lust. When Jonathan Sheridan decides to kill the husband of the slave he is enamored with, he sets in motion a terrifying and deadly chain of events. Pete returns from the dead to haunt Jonathan and soon threatens to destroy everything that he loves. Can Jonathan find anyone who is able or willing to help him once the truth of this actions is known? The Terror of Ol Pete offers intriguing twists and compelling characters that will enthrall any fan of classic horror tales.
About the Author
Ruth Jackson is a native of Mississippi, which is also where she originally heard the story of Ol Pete from her father and uncles. She currently lives in Illinois with her husband, Lee. Ms. Jackson is the mother of five children: Diane, Perry, Tammy, Kim, and Liz. Now retired, the author enjoys studying the Bible and teaching Sunday school. She is a longtime member of the Indiana Pentecostal Church of God. Ms. Jackson is also the author of I Am a Living Testimony.
Published: 2003
Page Count: 32