The Story Of Señor Pico / La Historia Del Señor Pico
Carlos is a young boy who has many friends. He meets them each morning to play. But he is especially excited when a neighbor gives him a cute, fuzzy chick to take to school. Carlos loves his new friend and so do his schoolmates, but they still have to decide on a name for him. Seor Pico is the perfect name! As the children grow, so does Seor Pico but he grows white feathers and soon appears sad. The children decide that maybe he needs a new home, but how can they part with their newfound friend? The Story of Seor Pico / La Historia del Seor Pico is a bilingual childrens book that teaches cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and multicultural developmental tasks to young children while keeping their interest with a fine feathered friend.
Published: 2007
Page Count: 32