The Soldiers Who Ate Rattlesnakes

By Dean O’Quinn
Regular price $24.00

What would you do to get home to the loved ones that were left behind? How hard would you fight to be by their sides again. Surviving the battles of the Civil War and year in an infamous war prison is just the beginning of this vast adventure. To find your loved ones would be the hard part of this journey. Especially, if they think that you have already been killed and have moved on. A perfect read for your own journey home! 

About the Author

Dean O'Quinn grew up in a very rural farming and ranching community surrounded by the beauty and the wilderness of Montana. Because of head injuries, he has been tormented by panic disorder and PTSD for over 30 years. He has recently received his 6th concussion, a skull fracture and some brain injury. He has since also had a shoulder surgically replaced. He was placed in a nursing home for a year, where as a form of therapy and escapism, started writing each evening. When he was released, he had written two books. He never thought about becoming an author and he showed his own progress in health through his writing. He truly believes that writing saved his life and wants to become a strong advocate for using writing as therapy for PTSD, Mental issues and head injuries.


Dean O'Quinn's "The Soldiers Who ate Rattlesnakes" is the story of 'Siete the Ghost'. But it is so much more. It's a history lesson that covers events, places of historical significances, cultural practices, and social norms of the 1860's. Simultaneous stories thread their way through this novel emerging as fine fabric in the end. There is something for every reader in this book. This novel will awaken one's curiosity of American history while another reader will be heart warmed by love's true course. Another will find themselves immersed in lore, legend and myth. Yet another will find pure enjoyment of the cliff hangers at the end of every chapter. This novel will be prominent in one's library as it is a worthy resource. A highly recommended read and re-read.

Steve DePuydt
Seattle, Washington

I am an elderly woman who is the neighbor of Mr. O'Quinn's father. If I would have seen this book at the bookstore, I would not have purchased it because it looks like such a guy's book. Boy, you really cant judge a book by it's cover and I would have really missed out on a great read. The way that Mr. O'Quinn has interwoven these true historical facts, the love stories and the passion of family is quite lovely. I truly think that everyone should read this novel. It is beautiful and I think after what Mr. O'Quinn has gone through and to create something like this is absolutely brilliant!

Sandy B.

I purchased Mr. O'Quinn's novel not knowing what to expect. I am from a small community in Montana, much like Dean was raised in, and I can see the importance of agriculture and ranching families as being the heartbeat of America and the soul of this novel. I would recommend this book to anyone. I feel like I am smarter by reading this novel. I am actually going to recommend it to be read in our school and I would push any teacher into possibly highlighting this incredible journey

Melissa L
Montana farmwife and Mother of four

I was a nurse in the facility that Mr. O'Quinn was placed into at the beginning of 2019. He had been extremely injured. Because of head injures and a skull fracture, his understandable speaking voice was gone and his walking was very poor. His shoulder had also been pretty much torn apart and he had to have a metal shoulder put in. His arm was also in a sling and did not have much strength. He had to use a wheelchair most of the time, that he wheeled with his legs, and I could see the frustration on his face when he would try to express himself. He went through extensive physical therapy, occupational therapy and voice therapy in this facility. Most people in this facility was in the later part of their lives and went to bed early. That is when I would witness Dean going down to the communal computer of the facility each evening, take his arm out of his sling and begin to write. I could see how well his health started to improve when he started to do this. He had found his voice again. He told me one evening that he decided to show his own health improvements through his writing. After reading the book, I can see the fact that he was struggling in the beginning and he did have some issues because of the mental issues. Mainly, I noticed his grammatical errors, but what he accomplished over this time frame, I find absolutely incredible. The character's and the story are so strong and you can see the struggle to get home to his friends and family through his writing. He told me that he didn't know what would come out of him through his writing each evening. It was a surprise to him as well, but it was so good to see someone find new accomplishments and try so hard in that retirement community. We see so many people give up when they are surrounded by that, but it was like he was writing with a new resurgence.

Nathan, RN

Published: 2005
Page Count: 32