The Signs That Follow
A major theme in the Bible is God’s use of signs to communicate with humanity. In The Signs that Follow, author Raphael Vasquez provides a plethora of scriptural support for the significance of signs for the Church and Christian believers. He also describes the biblical account of Ananias and Sapphira and the lessons it teaches about the importance of obedience, along with discussion of the deeds and doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
Vasquez argues persuasively that Scripture has provided believers with signs that prove beyond a shadow of doubt the validity of their religion (faith). Vasquez’s hope is that serious readers will examine themselves to see if they are truly followers of the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:31, 2 Corinthians 13:5). This nation is in desperate need of the gospel message of the Lord
About the Author
Raphael Vasquez was born July 27th, 1930 in New York City to Puerto Rican parents. He attended the High School of Music and Art, the New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences, Bellevue Hospital School of Nursing, and St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Anesthesia. A veteran of the Korean War, he was a medical aidman from 1951-1953 and a nurse aestheticist for thirty-six years. He retired in 1996.
Vasquez has studied the Bible since he became a Christian in 1950 and in 1994 earned a B.A. in theology from Faith Theological Seminary. He and his wife Gloria married in 1958, and they have three children. His hobbies include playing guitar and cartooning.
Published: 2019
Page Count: 54