The Road To The Armistice 1918

By Richard J. Connors Ph.D.
Regular price $24.00

The Road to the Armistice 1918 is a meticulously researched presentation of the major events in one of the most important years in world history. Richard J. Connors Ph.D. details the famed battles, the personalities and political machinations that finally brought World War I to a close. This is a concise compendium of information and a somber reminder of the great costs and great heroism that marked the “War to End All Wars”—during its centennial.

Connors dedicates this book to the Men and Women of the American Battle Monuments Commission.

About the Author

Richard J. Connors Ph.D. has been a professor and administrator at Seton Hall University. He taught courses on World War I, and maintained his interest in its political and military story over the years. During the centennial years of the conflict he developed a continuing exhibition at Camp Evans, Monmouth County, New Jersey—featuring his collection of military miniatures, as well as posters, pictures and scholarly works. Connors also provides lectures to local historical societies.

Published: 2018
Page Count: 100