The Pottamus Family And The Unhappy Pottamus
Oh, no! What should the Pottamus family do? Baby Pottamus is crying, and they dont know what he wants! Just like all little ones who communicate through crying, Baby Pottamus doesnt seem to want anything Mama and Papa Pottamus give him! They try everything from giving him lunch to going swimming and even changing his diaper. But Baby Pottamus still cries! What does Baby Pottamus want? Can his worried mama and papa help him stop crying? Read The Pottamus Family and the Unhappy Pottamus to see what Baby really wants!
About the Authors
Angela M. Sundberg, Marcia L. Scheiding, and Amy E. Scheiding wrote this book for Kaylee, who was an unhappy pottamus when she was fourteen months old.
Published: 2007
Page Count: 22