The Perfect Dad Sings The Birthday Song!

By Jerry
Regular price $19.00

Is there such a thing as the perfect dad? Oscar seems to think so. He tries his hardest to take care of all of his responsibilities, yet also spend time with his twins and his wife. But there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done!

Sometimes we are so busy with life that we forget what’s really important. Read The Perfect DAD Sings the Birthday Song! as a reminder that material items are not nearly as important as the quality time you can spend with your loved ones.

About the Author

Jerry sings in his church choir bass section (Saint Mark UMC). He is a 4 year’s active duty Marines 11 years Army reserves. Jerry has an associate’s degree and he is a thirty-year employee at Boeing.

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Published: 2018
Page Count: 30