The Magical Penis: Knowledge Is Power And Education Is The Key To Success
The Magical Penis: Knowledge Is Power and Education Is the Key to Success is an effort to combat the false information being spread through advertising and government publications that perpetuates a form of fraud by implying that energy is being produced and sold by various agencies. As is pointed out and explained within the text, this defies science, as only measures of various forms of energy can be harnessed and usedfor instance, watts of electricity. The author further argues that any discussion of green energy should really be addressing green electricity and hopes to educate the American public and the rest of the world regarding this topic via this treatise.
About the Author
Steven Discenza, New Boss of All Bosses on Staten Island, is a Staten Island native who is a master electrician, then union electrician and former New York City school teacher.
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Published: 2011
Page Count: 54