The Language Of The Bible
In our society today, while many people claim to be true followers of Christ, few can claim to have a clear understanding of scripture, let alone the significance of the mission of Christ himself and what his life has come to represent.
In the novel The Language of the Bible, author Akil Kareem Akbar not only studies the semantics of the Bible, but he also applies such language to current issues in America today. He argues that rather than taking the Bible at face value, true believers must delve beyond the literal and uncover the spiritual implications of scripture. He describes how, in the past, the failure to do so has led to the terrible persecution of African people, for example. Therefore, in order to prevent further egregious misinterpretation, we must all view the revelation of the Creator through the same eyes, in order to truly appreciate His word.
Published: 2011
Page Count: 30