The Journey to Peace in Palestine: From the Song of Deborah to the Simpsons
The Journey to Peace in Palestine: From the Song of Deborah to the Simpsons is a collaborative effort that seeks to document some of the events that take place regularly in the West Bank. The work traces the daily struggles of the Palestinian people to carry on their ordinary lives in the midst of extraordinary circumstances. The authors also offer their personal reflections on the path toward an understanding of the complexity of both the Israeli and Palestinian positions and their own reactions to events.
Samah Sabawi and Bill Baldwin have been part of the journey to peace in Palestine. Samah was born in Gaza and has lived the life of a refugee. Bill spent three years as a member of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) reserve corps, attached to the team in Hebron. Here, they share some of their personal stories, especially what Bill saw as some of the more significant actions of the CPT team while he was a part of it.
The authors personal journeys are set against the much longer journey of humanity from a world of tribal societies to our own globalized world. This longer journey has led to a broadening of perspective to embrace a vision of one humanity, but it has also brought about the danger of a situation where global institutions are so important that individual people are seen as unimportant.
The candid and thoughtful approach of both authors blends to create an engaging and eye-opening experience for the reader in The Journey to Peace in Palestine: From the Song of Deborah to the Simpsons.
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Published: 2010
Page Count: 100