The Journey Of Sniggle-Snuggle: A Swedish Fairy Tale

By Julia Totten Coley
Regular price $22.00

Sniggle-Snuggle, a little boy troll, has a beautiful long tail. Sniggle-Snuggle loves to boast and his Mamma loves to show him off. The other trolls are tired of this bragging, so Sniggle-Snuggle decides to impress the humans with his tail instead. But, his source of pride in the troll world makes him different in the human world, and Sniggle-Snuggle is rejected by many. Ultimately, through his adversity Sniggle-Snuggle has adventures and even becomes a hero!

This Swedish fairytale was first written over one hundred years ago by Julia Totten Coley’s grandmother. Julia adapted and rewrote that original story, and this book is the result.

About the Author

Julia Totten Coley has always had a fascination with mythology and fantasy, and she enjoys reading. Julia also enjoys creating art in sewing, stained glass and watercolor painting. She is a member of the Cumming Arts Center, and lives with her husband in Georgia. Their kids have long since grown and started their own families, so Julia and her husband have two grandchildren who are the delight of their lives.

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“Some trolls have tails and some exceptional trolls had an exceptionally long tail like the little boy named Sniggle-Snuggle.” When a human mother has a beautiful baby, she naturally wants others to see her beautiful baby. In this 100 year old tale, the mother troll wants what every mother wants, to show off her little boy with his beautiful long tail, a tail so beautiful humans should see it.
This book has all the elements you would want in a classic fairy tale, fairies, trolls, a witch, and humans who “are not always kind to those they do not understand”. Sometimes, the kindest hearts and love is found in those who are outcasts. The reader learns that you can’t judge character from someone’s appearance. The journey to finding your self-worth can be a long one, and like a classic fairy tale, there is a happy ending. Original illustrations in darker tones echo the fairy tales of centuries past, while the colorful watercolors add a lightness and warmth that modernizes the tale.
As a High School teacher, I have used children’s books to illustrate themes or topics or to prompt open ended writing responses. The Journey of Sniggle-Snuggle is one of those special books that would work with children of all ages from preschool to teens. This story abounds with life lessons , morals, ethics, and can be used as a teaching tool on so many levels depending upon the age of the reader. I highly recommend this book, which will be read and reread by all who love a good fairy tale." - Phyllis Story
"I thoroughly enjoyed the story; it was unique and captivating. I like that it originated with the author's grandmother. My granddaughters liked it as well. They found the pictures to be interesting although a bit strange and scary." - Alice Bonner

"I love that Julia has carried this Swedish Fairy forward for all to enjoy. Wonderful and refreshing difference from stories of today. So many emotions and NO violence, teaching lessons of adversity, perseverance, determination and Sniggle Snuggle is a superhero I am looking forward to sharing this fairy tale with my grandkids."

Published: 2022
Page Count: 44