The Game

By Therese Yelk
Regular price $8.00

A terrified girl takes refuge with a stranger and pleads for her help in escaping the pursuit of the mob. Marie agrees, and takes Ann into her home and works to hide her from her pursuers. They confide in each other and become friends. They think they have evaded the mob, but when Ann is spotted again, Chicago becomes too hot for them, and they flee to London. Once in London they relax, but all too soon they realize that their followers have found them again. Only when Marie plucks up her courage to strike back at the shadowy menace does she discover the strange twist in the story, and then the truth comes out at least.

About the Author

Therese Yelk has always liked reading mystery novels, but this is the first time she has tried writing one. She had enough fun writing this that it will not be the last. A native of Wisconsin, she currently makes her home in Sun Prairie. In the grand tradition of lady mystery writers, she is not yet married. When she is not writing, she likes to do cross-stitch, though with this vivid and sinister an imagination one shudders to think what maxims she might choose to embroider.

Published: 2005
Page Count: 38