The Day Of The Lord
The Day of the Lord is a scholarly and inspirational work in which the author, John M. Stilson, explores the significance of prophecy, Gods covenants, and His promises in relation to what they mean to the current generation of humanity. Having received revelation from his guardian angels, Mr. Stilson has been commissioned to share Gods message of salvation an attainment that often appears difficult for this generation of unbelievers, even though our merciful and loving Creator offers if freely. The biblical signs of the Second Advent, the Day of the Lord, are in the process of completion, which also means the Apocalypse revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ is nearing. The message-rather than being one of foreboding and fear, is one of enlightenment, love, and compassion for the plight of mankind in a world in the clutches of Satans wickedness. Soon the antichrist is going to take over the Mideast and establish his kingdom. Millions of people are about to be faced with a personal decision to either profess their faith in Christ or worship the antichrist. It is a fateful decision for unbelievers and a life-saving decision for the faithful body of Jesus Christ. The Day of the Lord examines biblical prophecy and current events amid a spiritually sincere and challenging message encouraging each individual to receive the reward of eternal life by establishing a relationship with God in Christ Jesus.
About the Author
John M. Stilson lives in Illinois with his wife, Michele, with whom he has raised five children. He works as an independent automotive and safety consultant, and his personal interests include golf, fishing, writing, travel, and science fiction. The Day of the Lord is Mr. Stilsons second book; he is also the author of The Tree to Eternal Life.
Published: 2007
Page Count: 330