The Currents Of Exile
As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods;
They kill us for their sport.
- Shakespeare
Some men use their godlike powers to oppress, enslave, murder the innocent. They are dictatorscavemen skirmishes, crusades, religious fervors, dangerous greed. Not knowing they are loved, they turn to violence. Victims through the centuries try to run away as fast as they canoften, but not always, they succeed in settling down anywhere on this planet. No time for grief and complaints. Work has to be found, families regrouped. They leave the whys to the historians Most rivers find their way to the seawhen the currents of victims find some peaceful shore, they try to live free. James Agee wrote that, from the heights of a space capsule, the continent of the U.S.A. is an open hand to allit is our happy duty to survive.
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Published: 2004
Page Count: 172