The Cave of Ignorance: An Allegory

By James S. Johnson
Regular price $17.00

This book involves the experiences of eight people trapped in a cave. They only know partly why they are trapped there. They are unsure of what is going on in the world outside the cave and whether escaping from the cave will make them better off. Because it is a philosophical novel, there are many philosophical, psychological, religious, and social discussions as they seek a way out. Facing what seems like a very possible death in the cave, they each turn to their consoling beliefs or practices, religious or otherwise. The book is susceptible to various interpretations and should provoke serious thought. Many of the ways in which we humans are ignorant are presented. The need for people to understand one another better is a prominent theme.


About the Author

Author James S. Johnson has earned degrees in Philosophy, Mathematics, Literature, and Liberal Studies at California State University, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He has done considerable graduate studies in Psychology at California Southern University. He taught college for 15 years, mostly Logic & Critical Thinking courses, but also courses in Epistemology, Religion, Humanities, and Ethics.

Published: 2025
Page Count: 172

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