The Age of Creation: Interlaced With Relevant Teachings from the Inspired Biblical Text
The Age of Creation is based on the King James version of the Holy Bible, with proper interpretations through the additions of the original Hebrew words and the translated Greek text. It is provided for the whole world to read, by which hopefully the reader will gain a more correct understanding of the faith of Abraham that began the entire belief in one Elohim.
About the Author
Elder Michael Ray Alkire began life in humble beginnings and upbringings, but his life spiraled out of control as he grew older until he was no longer the person he used to be. He is currently a ward of the state of Iowa, an incarcerated individual, by his own deeds. Shortly before his incarceration, he was at the lowest point of his life and sought to end it once and for all, until the heavenly Father intervened.
Today, he stands as a witness to the Word of Yahweh, our Heavenly Father and Creator, that his life may find purpose through His will upon my life. Many people may perceive that Alkire wrote this book for his own personal redemption, but that is incorrect. He wrote this book in hopes of helping reveal the truth of God’s Word independently of any indoctrination by a university or college. He hopes that all may find peace and contentment in His Word and that our heavenly Father gives mercy to all who seek Him through the acceptance of the price paid by His Son.
Published: 2024
Page Count: 168