The Adventures Of The Three Angels
Do we often look for answers that are already in us? Do we ever stop to think about what resides deep within our souls? Thats what Luis Feliciano ponders in The Adventures of the Three Angels. After the creation, God asks Gabriel, Michael, and Daniel to hide Love in the last place His creation would for it. After looking at the tallest mountain, the depths of the sea, and the highest cloud, the place they finally settle on teaches us a lesson in human nature and the way we often react to the gifts of God. Life
Life is a challenge we meet as I face the tragedies
I learn how to overcome the sorrow for the contentions
of the world leave me like shattered glass on the floor.
The beauty I praise is the gift of love by accepting the
adventure I dared as a journey to complete when weak
Ill go down to my knees and pray for strength.
An opportunity to achieve a goal only I can lose the
pieces of the puzzles as I struggle with self and we unfold
the mystery deep within this soul so open the door to let
me know what keeps me from reaching my goal as I live
as a human being carrying my cross in this world.
About the Author
Luis Feliciano enjoys writing stories and making greeting cards. The Adventures of the Three Angels is his first published book.
Published: 2005
Page Count: 32