Tax Guide For Managers And Sales Personnel

By Carlton Paul Johnson Jr., M.B.A
Regular price $64.95

Tax Guide for Managers and Sales Personnel offers a concise and direct explanation of how you can take full advantage of existing tax laws and claim substantial deductions.

The complex tax code can be daunting, and it is estimated that less than 10 percent of managers felt that they were filing their taxes accurately with all of the allowable write-offs. From job search and moving expenses to employee business expenses, there are dozens of possibilities for saving tax dollars if you know how to document and claim them.

If you have ever wondered if you are claiming all of the expenses you could, then Tax Guide for Managers and Sales Personnel is a must-read.

About the Author

Carlton Paul Johnson Jr., M.B.A. is a registered investment advisor and public accountant in Colorado. A graduate of Regis University in Denver, Johnson holds an MBA in accounting and finance.

As president of JCP Financial Services, Inc., Johnson oversees the daily servicing of business and individual clients, saving clients tax dollars and protecting the net worth of clients. Johnson enjoys helping individuals grow their estate through proper planning and the annual review of their particular needs.

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Published: 2003
Page Count: 80