While the poems in Somewhen are mainly introspective, a subtle theme unites them: contrast. Even in the most personal verses, the interaction between self and others, past and present, strength and weakness, and faith and doubt are noticeable. There are no winners or losers, only the crosscurrents that make life interesting and challenging.
About the Author
A New Jersey native, Joyce G. Bradshaw studied at Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia, and earned her B.A. in Liberal Studies at St. Edwards University, Austin, Texas. Since 1984 she and her husband have lived in Wimberley, Texas.
Her life experience includes raising three daughters, serving as a missionary in Mexico, and teaching work skills to disabled adults. She is especially interested in latch hooking, caring for stray cats, bird watching, and gardening.
Joyce G. Bradshaw has three other books of poetry in print: Whispers from the Garden, Twin Voices, and Peripheral Visions.
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Published: 2010
Page Count: 78