Sleepy Juanita

By Frank T. Zimmer
Regular price $8.00

Juanitas family works hard all day, raising crops and tending to their animals. But while her parents and her little brother, Felipe, toil, Juanita often enjoys a long nap. Her behavior is frustrating to her brother, who speaks of the situation one day in the presence of his trusted burro Gordo.

Gordo does not want Felipe to be unhappy, so he decides to solve the problem. But Juanita is a much heavier sleeper than he anticipated. So Gordo gets his friend Mona, a horse, to help out, and soon all the animals know about the dilemma and want to lend a hand.

Mona proposes they work together to rouse Juanita from her afternoon slumber. Will their unusual wake-up call be enough to change sleepy Juanitas ways?

About the Author

Frank T. Zimmer is a retired Adult Probation Officer with a bachelors and masters degree in criminology. Originally from Pennsylvania, Zimmer now lives in Tucson, Arizona, where he is an active member of the Baptist Church.

His other books include Fun on the Mountain and Bird Singing Contest.

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Published: 2009
Page Count: 50