Imagine a world full of creatures that are able to shift their appearances at will. Envisage an existence with gormless beings as company. Then add to the picture sulphur-steeped air and lava-filled lakes, where Satan rules. But the question is: Would you even want to?
The book Shifters furnishes a possible future for mankind, where the Third World War has erupted, plunging the world into chaos, despair, and panicdiminishing the worlds population by apocalyptic proportions. And all this is instigated by the dark angel, who hides behind a faade of charity and kindness as the worlds richest man. But is he fully to blame?
About the Author
James Campbell is retired and lives in the Western Cape, South Africa, with his wife, Agnes.
When asked what prompted him to write this book, the author said, After many years of storytelling to my family, I was encouraged and inspired to put my words in writing and leave a legacy for my family.
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Published: 2010
Page Count: 278