Robbie Lee: A Short Story
Seven-year-old Clara Johnson, her mother, and siblings are off to spend the summer at Aunt Bobbies house in Tennessee. Aunt Bobbie is a mountain of a woman with a huge torso and hips as wide as a semi-tractor trailer. Not accustomed to farm life, having come from Chicago, they enjoy the new routines and southern ways. The next summer stay, while Clara is thirteen and her brother Carl is fifteen, develops into a year-long visit. Clara and Carl are enrolled in the local school but find little time to make new friends. Helping Aunt Bobbie with the chores becomes a full time job for the teens. Gradually, Aunt Bobbie turns out to be a less than charming hostess. Exhibiting delusional behavior, Aunt Bobbie fabricates events and suspects the teens of misdoings around the house. Her rage builds and she begins to berate and verbally abuse Uncle Herman. The violent episodes increase, but the teens are leery of reporting their aunts actions to their father, although they wish to return home. Now an adult, Clara looks back with disturbing memories and hopes to release the frightening hold that Aunt Bobbie has on her.
About the Author
In addition to writing, Elizabeth R.T. Meeks works at a financial institution. Ms. Meeks holds a masters degree in management. This is her first published book.
Published: 2002
Page Count: 32