Reflections! Looking In The Mirror

By Terry Wells-Jones
Regular price $17.00

Born in the era of Jim Crow segregation, Terry Wells-Jones grew up in a small town in the Deep South. Even from a young age, this Black girl knew she was destined to overcome the obstacles that faced her. Through her faith, belief, hope, stamina, and grit, Terry overcame a traumatic experience and countless roadblocks to become one of the first Black models in the mid-1960s. She also became the first woman hired by a Fortune 500 company in a sales position. Breaking through the “glass ceiling” opening doors for other women in a male-dominated world. Terry Wells-Jones fought many battles to reach her level of success in business while also cultivating a happy family life. In this memoir, Terry shares the philosophies that helped her on her journey, as well as the disappointments and opposition she faced along the way. This is her astounding success story.

About the Author

Terry Wells-Jones has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin in Pre-Med and Business, and is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Now retired from her business career, she enjoys traveling all over the world and spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren in her Golden Years.


April 2, 2023

Paul’s Ponder
This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Romans 13: 6-7
April - Taxes are due! Paul says in the verses preceding this that those in authority are God’s servant for your good (v. 4). Pay your taxes.
Notice that on the same level as taxes Paul mentions paying debts, respect and honor. Respect and honor seem very different to taxes and debts, yet Paul gives them similar importance.
Several years ago in Palm Desert, we started a yearly honor to glorify God through His servants. We usually don’t know about people very much until we attend their memorials. Then we say, “I wish I had known them better.” God has blessed each congregation with people who have amazing stories. The Bible is full of stories of people who have accomplished things to encourage us to be better people for God. God hasn’t stopped working. Personal stories today can also encourage and inspire us.
I recently finished a book by Terry Wells-Jones entitled, Reflections! Looking in the Mirror. Terry is a member of the Palm Desert church. She is outgoing, sweet and a very loving person. But I never would have guessed what she has done that has touched the lives of millions. Terry is a godly, talented woman who broke through glass ceilings as a model and business woman. Terry has opened up opportunities for all women. She talks in her book about growing up in a small rural town and the disrespect she received during the Jim Crow era. She is open about her struggles but mostly she is encouraging about the power of faith. You need to buy this book and read it. It will encourage you to be a more focused and determined person. God bless you, Terry, for sharing your encouraging and inspiring example.
Just Pondering

Published: 2005
Page Count: 32