There are points in our lives when choices are made for us that we are powerless to control. Such is the case in the life of Connie Johnson-Brown. As she was shuffled from relatives homes to those of family friends at a tender age, her life quickly absorbed a sense of loneliness, helplessness, and victimization without her mother or father, a sense of security, or self-esteem. With no one to hear her cries for help, she was forced to seek acceptance and love by any means necessary. Reborn is a compelling and gripping story of the live lived by Connie Johnson-Brown. It will take you into an underworld of drugs, alcohol, con artistry, physical abuse, and unfulfilling relationships, which dominated her daily life for years until the hand of God intervened and saved her from herself. Connie welcomed the chance to be Reborn in God, and she presents her experiences in the pages of her autobiography to help others learn that there is rescue from the dangerous paths their lives may currently be following.
About the Author
Connie Johnson-Brown is a co-pastor at the Inside-Outside Church of Jesus Christ in Savannah, Georgia. Additionally, she is a recording artist; her first release was in 1980, her second in 1984. The new release is planned for January 2004. She and her husband share two children. Reborn is her first published book.
Published: 2004
Page Count: 228