Pray And Praise Log
Instead of verbal communication with God, Ms. Jane M. Stokes has come up with another approach. This prayer log is your personal contact with God. It includes places for you to write a specific prayer, the date of that prayer, and the date that prayer was answered. Bible quotations are also given on each page for inspiration. If reviewed daily, your personal prayer log will give you hope and confidence in your prayers being answered. Refer to pages 1-15 for prayer log. Refer to pages 17-32 for logging Gods blessings.
About the Author
Ms. Jane M. Stokes lives in Las Vegas and has two children: Martin and Marco. She is a volunteer at Spring Valley Hospital, participant in the MS Walk, and participant in 24-Hr. Fitness. She enjoys walking, reading, and Bible research.
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Published: 2009
Page Count: 40