Poems That Scan The Soul
Dont wait to be discovered; discover yourself and be the best you can be. Do and be the best you can for others. Appreciate every breath you breathe. Never forget your past victories. Store your memories safely, for they are invaluable assets. H. Marjorie Bailey-Allens poetry scans our soul as we find ourselves deeply embossed by the flowing rhythm of the delightful selection of words in Poems That Scan the Soul. Bailey-Allens heartfelt praise and religious vigor is beautifully written with easy-to-understand, resonating language that could only come from a true poets heart.
About the Author
A native of Jamaica, H. Marjorie Bailey-Allen now resides in Tampa, Florida. She is married to Lesburn and they have one child, Gillian. Besides writing, Bailey-Allen enjoys reading, playing and listening to music, and attending her church, the Glorious Church of God. The experience of facing inevitable obstacles and discovering the possibility of being an ultimate victor, and to obtain the ultimate joy that perseverance brings is what inspired her to write this, her first published book.
Published: 2006
Page Count: 118