On Our Way To Tomorrow
An epic western romance in the finest of traditions, On Our Way to Tomorrow focuses on one determined woman, Anne Appleton, and the huge extended family she creates through her generous and loving nature. Beginning with her parents death during a fateful trip to settle in the Northwest Territory, Laurel G. Lacy traces Annes trials as she struggles to make a home for her young brother and herself. In doing so, she comes across myriad personalities, many of whom she takes under her wing as part of her life. As it often occurred during the settling of the once wild west, Annes family grows by leaps and bounds as her children and her childrens children marry friends of the family and distant relations of one sort or another and the families holdings grow at an exponential rate to their increasing size. With nostalgic detail and unexpected twists, On Our Way to Tomorrow takes its place on the shelves of the great western romance.
About the Author
Laurel G. Lacy worked for twenty-six years for a discount retailer. For fourteen of those years she was regional manager for ladies apparel and fashion accessories and for eight years she was in the corporate office in Troy, Michigan. She retired in 1993 and moved with her husband, Donald, to the Great Northwest. She has two grown children, Teri and Dennis, and one granddaughter Paige. For many years her family lived by the Scottsbluff monument, which prompted her writing of this, her first novel.Published: 2004
Page Count: 302