Old People: They Don't Get Old By Being Fools

By Coleman Taylor
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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, all colors, and from all different backgrounds. What defines a hero is not the number of trophies on a shelf, goals met, wealth attained, or power gained; rather, what makes a true hero a hero is best realized in those whose lives have been touched in a profound and unforgettable way. Have you ever wondered why those idioms of yesteryear linger still? The answer: They speak of simple, basic truths. For Coleman Taylor, these simple, basic truths and the lessons he learned as a child, which carry him through to this day, are shared in this poignant walk down memory lane. It is on this journey that the invaluable gifts shared by those older and wiser are unwrapped.

About the Author

 Having grown up in Lexington, Tennessee, Coleman Taylor learned wisdom, strength, and perseverance from those he knew best: his parents and the older generation in the neighborhood. Now, making his home in Rockwall, Texas with his wife and four daughters, this first-time author shares those indelible life lessons with his readers. Involved in both community work and his church, Mr. Taylor also enjoys hiking, playing the guitar, swimming, and piloting small planes in his spare time.

Published: 2008
Page Count: 98