My N-Spirations
Written as a legacy to the poets children, My N-Spirations is a celebration of life. Join Tera Heflin Agee as she pays tribute to friendship in A Gift From God and poetically hugs her children in Happy 16th Birthday to My Beloved Child. Tragedy is often the necessary reverse of triumph, and Ms. Agee does not forget this. She comforts us with In Deepest Sympathy and laments war in A Prayer for Peace. The common thread in this celebration is her faith. She reminds us: Its a shame to lose sight of Gods plan/we were put here to help our fellow man. This is the greatest inspiration.
About the Author
I was born in Jackson, Mississippi to Dalton G. and Annie Katherine Robison Heflin. I have taken many types of tests that determine my personality, however the one below explains all there is to know about the total percentage of my true self. This was a great test and proves that my downfall in life has been because I do not possess even one trait of Aphrodite. That is okay with me because I like myself. Pictured standing with me is my dearest friend and a great artist, Andy Karjala, without whom this book would not have been possible. Visit her website: www.artbyandkarjala.com To have any name or business poem created contact me at: 409-692-7481
Published: 2004
Page Count: 78