My Golden Arm
A kid-friendly ghost story, My Golden Arm is the tale of an old woman haunted by the ghost of her husband after she sells his golden arm to help pay the bills. This charming story will remind you of your younger day spent under the covers, trading scary stories with your friends and family by flashlight.
Wonderful illustrations and vivid storytelling will make this a story you are not likely to forget!
About the Author
Velma Browning is one of twelve children, a coalminer's daughter originally fro southeastern Kentucky. She is the other of three, the grandmother of many more, antd lives happily with her husband of many years. She quilts, crochets, and knits, plays softball, goes hiking, and loves to fish and camp. She throws barbeques for friends and family, and has gone back to school as a full-time college student with a goal fo bringing back the "lost arts".
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Published: 2015
Page Count: 30