My Father's Endless Universe

By Robert E. Mitchell
Regular price $12.00

Many have tried exploring our universe and the Earth’s atmosphere. But while trying, we often forget that God’s reach extends far beyond the reach of our own galaxy: He made the universe, and He touches everything—and everyone—in it. My Father’s Endless Universe is an exploration of the experiences of another of God’s races on Earth, as they witness the life of Christ, Yeshua, and emigrate the planet, carrying Yeshua’s teachings with them to their faraway home on the other side of the universe.

About the Author

Robert E. Mitchell is devoted to studying the Bible and teaching its lessons to people. He writes books and small booklets to pass along his wisdom, as he learned it from the Lord. In his spare time, Mitchell enjoys flying in his own small airplane, water skiing and swimming, figure skating, drawing, and stock car racing.

Published: 2020
Page Count: 96