Miracle Of The Dream
Most everyone dreams every night, however we often do not remember our dreams upon waking. If we do, it often seems the dreams we most remember lasted for several minutes or even hours, and perhaps our minds are trying to pass a subtle message. However, in Miracle of the Dream, Semen Vaysman presents the conclusions of his personal research as he postulates dreams last only a moment in time and are only influenced by outside sources sounds, sights, and events which have impacted our lives. Using examples of dreams he has had, he analyzes the dreams carefully, showing how each was precipitated by an event which had a profound influence on his life, then explains what each of the phases of his dream meant and how he was able to control repeated bad dreams. Compiling exciting new evidence to support his theory, Mr. Vaysman encourages us to explore the world of human dreams more fully in our quest to understand our sleeping minds.
About the Author
A native of Kiev, Ukraine, Mr. Vaysman immigrated to the United States six years ago and currently resides in Long Beach, California, with his wife, Valentina and children, Marina and Emiliya, and is employed as a mechanic.
Published: 2003
Page Count: 32