Memories Of A Southerner: A Black Girl Growing Up In The South

By Sherry
Regular price $9.00

Memories of a Southerner: A Black Girl Growing up in the South recounts one womans life journey through a time that includes some of the most pivotal social and political events of the mid-twentieth century. As an African-American Southerner, Sherry offers personal perspectives on the experiences of sharecropping families in the 1950s and the struggles that confronted the black community in the early years of the Civil Rights movement. In this intriguing autobiography, the author traces the circumstances that shaped her life in light of the social upheavals that characterized this period in America. Memories of a Southerner: A Black Girl Growing up in the South explores the lasting impact of events that shaped an entire generation of Americans.

About the Author

A native of Arkansas, Sherry now resides in Indiana with her husband, Henry, where they have raised three children, Dwayne, Felicia, and Kimberly. She studied health care at Indiana Weslyan University and worked as a nursing assistant for twenty years. Now retired, Sherry enjoys spending her time sewing, cooking, gardening, reading and traveling. Conceived of in the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001, Sherry hopes that her memoirs will remind readers of the importance of treasuring each day.

Published: 2003
Page Count: 52