Lifelong Quotes
Life grants wisdom and insight to those conscious enough to recognize its gifts and rewards. As Jean-Claude Guilbaud approached fifty years of age, he decided to put his life reflections and observations to paper, embarking on a mission to educate, stimulate, and inspire readers in his work Lifelong Quotes, a book propelling readers to seek and uncover their divine potential. Guilband chose a unique way to express his thoughts; through contemplative quotes and prose. Life is a school of long suffering, sometimes we pass and sometimes we fail, but one day we all shall graduate and receive our diplomas. In this present life, we must be prepared to die so we can begin to live. The eccentric and introspective quotes in Lifelong Quotes are based upon all aspects of life love, living, learning, inspiration, and experience. It is a collection aimed at bringing people closer, making them aware of our existence through the supernatural power of the supreme divine Spirit who gave us life.
About the Author
A native of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Jean-Claude Guilbaud now lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, with his wife, Matilde. Lifelong Quotes is his first published book, and he is currently working on his second, Art, Architecture, and Music. Guilbaud is an architect and general contractor, as well as an adjunct professor at the Tidewater Community College for the past eleven years. He earned his bachelors degree in architecture from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, and then enrolled in the schools masters program for City and Regional planning. He pursued his studies in Virginia Beach, Virginia, at Tabernacle Baptist Theological Seminary for his masters in divinity. He belongs to the American Institute of Architects, National Council of Architectural Registration Board, Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, and he is a member of the Colonial Baptist Church. Guilbaud is also an accomplished painter and musician with several copyrights for piano and orchestra, as well as guitar. His leisure activities include writing lyrics and photography.
Published: 2001
Page Count: 70