Life In The 20th Century

By Bud and Dottie Brewer
Regular price $64.00

In a family meeting where the Bud and Dottie Brewer’s grandchildren’s behavior and general attitude toward discipline was being discussed, their youngest grandson asked Bud, “How did you do it when you were young, Gramps?”

Bud and Dottie have written this book as the answer to that question. In poignant detail, they described the triumphs and hardships of their youth and their 66-year marriage. They outline each of their beginnings and their years together surviving the great Depression, World War II, United Nations Police actions and military service. They examine the best years of their marriage; the joyous births of their five children; their many exciting travels; and the adventures on which 8ud’s innovative investment career took them.

Ultimately, this book is a portrait of how the age of the 20th century affected those who lived in it. The Brewers lived in the best of times and had the greatest possible life together. Now in their sunset years, they wanted to be sure that their family and friends truly knew what it was like.

Published: 2019
Page Count: 356