Let's Play The Math Game
Mathematics is arguably one the toughest subjects to study in school. Many have shied away from its challenges. And most of the people, who, as students, retreated from this subject, carried with them this aversion to adulthood.
But the author, Dr. John W. Joyner, contends that the study of mathematics can be fun. But this needs the collaboration and cooperation between parent and child. A parent, as a childs first teacher, has a great possibility to influence a childs future success. And with this method, it can be an enjoyable and, more importantly, a very enticing way to learn mathematics.
About the Author
Dr. John W. Joyner is a retired university professor. Presently, he is a business owner. He has a bachelors and masters degree from the Tennessee State University and a doctorate from the Ohio State University.
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Published: 2013
Page Count: 68