Learn Texas Hold 'Em

By Anthony Joseph Pena
Regular price $22.00

Learn Texas Hold ‘Em teaches the average Joe or Jane how to play the game. This book breaks down play into common scenarios that a player will encounter on a regular basis. It provides insight into how you should approach each scenario. In addition, if anybody wants to facilitate a game amongst friends, Anthony Pena shares an entire chapter on how to do so.

This how-to guide is written by an average Joe that learned the game back in 2019, when he was looking for a new pastime. Pena wrote the book because he wanted to share his experience with a novice Texas Hold ‘Em player that just wants to learn the game, be competitive, and maybe facilitate a game for a group of friends. Compared to all of the other resources out in the world that can help somebody to learn how to play, this book is meant to simplify things for new players, so that they will have a pastime to enjoy for the rest of their lives.

About the Author

Anthony Joseph Pena works as a private math tutor as well as for a financial services company as a licensed Life agent. He enjoys teaching, so both roles are perfect for him. He gets the chance to educate others every day in areas that he enjoys: math and finance.

You can find Pena on Facebook by searching “Mister Always Positive.” In his spare time, besides playing Texas Hold ‘Em, Pena enjoys watching and playing sports. He also enjoys going to the gym to work out, as well as going on daily walks to enjoy the outdoors and to contemplate things that have been on his mind.

Pena has a goal to visit all Major League Baseball ballparks before he dies, and he hopes to one day create a basketball academy for high school students to attend at no cost to them. He is not married and has no children yet. Pena has amazing parents that have been supportive for his entire life.

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Published: 2023
Page Count: 118